Sometimes It Rains In April
#50 Shades of Colour - No.7
Waking up this morning to see grey skies and a wet garden wasn't the most inspiring start to writing this blog! But I was reminded of the phrase "April showers bring May flowers" and that ties in nicely with what I wanted to share with you.
My first monthly sample sample box quickly became my best selling product. This was particularly exciting for me because it shows that you, like me, just get giddy with the different colours! That first one was inspired by early spring, and you can see here, how my hand dyed colour reflect that.
So now, this month's theme is going to be ‘April Showers’, which goes on sale today and for a limited time is available at a discount. Click here for more info. And don't forget that I ship to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand!
The colours were inspired by this photo that I came across during my research, and are navy blue, fresh green with and a lovely ‘pop’ of spring yellow and the box contains a lovely mix of luxury ‘baby alpaca’, shimmering silk and super-soft merino, with some special surprise treats included as usual.
That's why the phrase ‘April showers bring May flowers’ sprang to mind - the fact that we often complain about the rain but forget about the riot of colour that it nurtures and encourages!
Our studio is set in the beautiful Cheshire countryside and we are lucky enough to be surrounded by beautiful rolling hills and country parks. Yet I so often catch myself complaining about yet another, typically English rainy day and not acknowledging how this rain contributes to the gorgeous view of the English countryside that is right outside my window! You can tell that I got all philosophical this morning, because I then came across this quote by Shannon L Alder which I love:
“After every storm, there is a rainbow. If you have eyes, you will find it. If you have wisdom, you will create it. If you have love for yourself and others, you won’t need it.”
So, sit back, relax and make some time today to create something, no matter how small, or how seemingly insignificant. It may seem. Life is fast and hectic at the best of times so stop, take a breath and spend a few minutes focusing in on something colorful, relaxing but most of all – slow paced!
Pick a handful of wild flowers and arrange them in a vase, plant a packet of seeds with your children, listen to playlists of your favourite music (there's a lot of Prince on mine at the moment) or make and ice a cupcake to enjoy later on whilst reading a few pages of your favourite book. You’ve worked hard and fast all week, so damn right you deserve it!!!
I am now off to spend an hour ..(or two)… at my spinning wheel, spinning up the gorgeous range of fibres in the ‘April showers box’ and I will share the spun yarn with you tomorrow, just to show what can be achieved in just an hour of ‘me time’.
Create something beautiful everyday!
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