A Studio Is Born - Part Two (of two)
How can it be the end of August so soon when I still have so much sewing, spinning, painting, decorating, gardening and cooking to do? At the beginning of the summer break I wrote down a ‘To Do’ list yet not many of the entries seems to have been completed so far!!!
Still, one major project has taken shape and has actually been the main reason why the other ‘less important’ tasks have not been tackled and that is the building and decorating of my new Art Studio in time for the new season of workshops that start next week. Here's a pic of us having a well earned picnic break during the build.
Oh, and thanks to all of you who made contact after my last blog and who took the time to comment about your ideal craft space. It would appear that many of you also struggle to find the time and space to call your own, whether for creating art, music or delicious food items. But several of you lucky people also sent in some amazing pics of your newly purchased log cabins, converted sheds and summerhouses or craft room make-overs in basements or attics of your homes. Thanks for your encouraging messages about my new space and it was really great to see how you all use and organize your spaces.
Last week I finished off discussing how we’d got the shell up and running, with just a few ‘minor’ mishaps, (if you didn’t manage to read it, click here). This week talking about the interior is a bit more of a straightforward tale, but boy has it taken a looooong time! And so many decisions to make!!!
To stain or to paint? What flooring to have? Colours? Modern or traditional style? In fact it followed exactly the same creative process that I usually use with my art – the blank canvas in this instance just being a 25 metre square wooden structure! Anyhow, all was going well until I think I added a request too far for my hubby, when I mentioned that we needed kitchen units and toilet too. “Why?” He asked. It was obvious to me, I need worktop space and water for my felting in particular and well, let’s just say I drink A LOT of tea when I’m creating or teaching workshops! I like to think he was worried that I’d end up spending all my time in there and he wouldn't see me again, but seeing how quickly I won that battle, maybe he saw that as a positive thing!
So, here we go, not 100% finished, but good enough to show a few sneaky peaks of what it looks like. I absolutely love this new space, the amazing light, the vast amount of built in storage areas and the kitchen area. We have even managed to include some clever little ‘vintage’ touches as I had hoped, mainly to reflect the setting within the garden of our 1857 Victorian home. There is still more to be done but I promise to show you a few more of the finishing touches as we get there. But I’m delighted to say that my little studio in the garden is now open for business!
Now, time to focus on getting some more people signed up to the workshops - any takers?
Be creative - be happy! xxx